I am new

As I was driving into work this morning, listening to K-Love as I normally do, the song "I Am New" by Jason Gray came on.  It makes sense that since the year is still so young to hear songs about Him who made (will make) all things new by those who have been made new, but this song just hit the spot this morning. The chorus is:
"I am not who I was
I am being remade
I am new
I am chosen and Holy
And I'm dearly loved
I am new"

Sometimes we forget that our past does not define us and we are new creation in Christ!  I was inspired by this song this morning so I felt that I would pay it forward and share it with the hope that it may bless you as well.  

You are not who you once were and have been made new.  The gift of salvation is free to all who accept it. (Rom. 6;23; NLT)

God Bless


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