Here We Go Again!

Here we go again. Where are we going, I am not quite sure. In order to get to our destination we have to start somewhere, right? Actually this is more like a restart. You see, since my last post on this blog, which happened to be January 1, 2016, ALOT has changed. In the almost nine years since that post, there has been a global pandemic, huge divisions in this country, and host of different things on the personal level that at times still has me saying, "what the heck is going on?" 

I can't say exactly why I stopped updating this blog at that time but taking a stroll back down memory lane shows that I really wasn't all that consistent back then. So I guess you can say that that much hasn't changed. I always have and still do struggle with being consistent. When I started this blog all the way back in 2011, I treated it like I was making posts on social media, after I quit smoking in September of that year, this blog turned into more of a place to share my faith and hope to inspire others. This would become more prevelant in 2013 and 2014, though updates would become few and far between.

Fast forward to now, 2024. I am definitely NOT the same person now that I was back even in 2016. I have been witness to a world that has literally seemed to be turned upside down, I have lost friends, seen so much social injustice, a pandemic that further caused divide, and personal experiences that I wouldn't want to wish on my worst enemy. It would be easy for me to toss up my hands and completely turn my back on my faith, a faith that at one time was so great, BUT I DIDN'T!

As I sit here and contemplate why I am even updating this particular blog, it is exactly because I didn't give up on God and I didn't give up on my faith. I am not going to sit here and act like it was easy. Were there times I was made at God, absolutely. Were there questions, a whole lot of them. Nothing however could take my faith away. My beliefs have changed and the way that I see things has changed but the foundation has remained. There may have been some cracks and fractures to the foundation but it's strengthening. That is why I am back. I hope that the things I share here can be a source of hope to others. A place where questions are welcome. Where everyone is welcome. Where we can learn and grow from one another. I plan on putting in some work to the companion Lighted Path YouTube channel as well. So let's get GROWING

I love you all ❤️ 

Photo by Masood Aslami:


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