Apologies for the abscence

It really has been a little bit since my last substantial post on here. Now it is funny because quite a few of the blogs that I have read on blogging suggest that you do not apologize for not updating frequently and just blog! Okay, I get that. I suppose that if you have followers who enjoy your blog they would probably prefer you blog about something of substance rather then wasting the five minutes reading an apology. Then you have someone like me. I have a whopping one follower (who I am grateful for) and it seems that I am making, barely, a post a month apologizing for not posting more. It seems a bit strange doesn't it?

Well maybe that is just the thing. Maybe I am lacking followers because...well...my blog is lacking. I may have a few return readers, but they do not decide to follow me because there is no real consistency around here. Now I do not want to misconstrue my intentions here, I am not doing this to see how many followers I can get or how popular this blog can become, although I would be lying if I didn't think it would be cool to obtain that, butnI want this to be more of a positive and inspirational blog. I would like to know one day that I helped someone through this blog. My intentions are not to be boastful about it but to just share the light of Christ and pass it on to someone else. After all is that what I should be doing as a Christian?

I pray that one day that will happen, but I also pray for the words to put here before you all. I am far from perfect and a saint most definitely I ain't, but hopefully the words start to come and the pages of this blog become filled and I know that when it does all praise and glory go to Him who makes it possible!

God Bless,



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