All things new

Happy September everyone!  I can't believe that today is the unofficial end of Summer.  Tomorrow all of the schools will be back in session.  For some students this will be a welcome change from the lazy days of summer and for others well...well they will miss the laziness.  For me and my household it is a time of newness and change.

A few weeks ago we moved into our new home and our life has been hectic for just as long.  I thank God for this change as I believe He is the reason for it, and I also thank God that he gave us great friends and neighbors too.  They were there to help us move, and when my wife and I were drowning in a sea of boxes they threw us a life raft and helped us bring some organization into our home.  While there is still a lot to be done, at least we can walk with out falling over boxes.

Tomorrow also begins the first official page of the next chapter of our lives.  On Sunday we had our last service at our former church and this upcoming Sunday we will begin our time at a new church.  It was hard to leave a church where the first time in my life I felt comfortable at a church and with my faith.  I grew in that church, but in the past year my family and I have felt that we were not being fed anymore and we did not like the way things were going and felt it was time to move on.

We are looking forward to this next chapter in our lives and I hope that you all can join us for the ride.  I thank you for bearing with me as I let this blog kind of fall by the wayside.  Hopefully now that things are settling down here I hope I can find more time and focus to share with you on this blog.  Goodnight and God Bless you all!


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