
I apologize for the lack of updates around here recently. It seems like all myself and the family are doing is going, going, going. I think that we have been out and about more than we have been at home. I am not complaining, it is just that I get side tracked easily and when I have something to write about by the time sit down to write it, it's gone! I am going to try really hard to make notes throughout the day and force myself to set aside some time to make a post.

Now that I got that out of the way, let's talk about some changes going on in my life right now that are awesome. I do not know if I had mentioned this at all before but my wife, myself, and another couple have take on the roles of youth advisors for our church's youth group. We have done so much more with this group since the beginning of the year than has been done with them in a long time. This has been such a great experience for all of us and we decided that they deserved their own youth room within the church. Currently on Sunday mornings for Sunday school between 10-15 people squeeze into a room a little bigger than a closet. We had recommended that the nursery that at the moment has really only two children at the most weekly would be perfect. It took some fighting but we secured it. So that was a huge victory for us.

The next big change we are in the midst of is that we have called a new pastor at our church. About this time last year our pastor of ten years announced he was retiring and he would be finished after September. Our congregation did not take this too good. You see change is not something that some people in our church take too well. One of the biggest things we hear all the time, and it is sad when you hear this from the youth, is "well, that's the way it has always been." Makes me cringe just writing it. Well after a long search we finally found our candidate who is only 31, and a woman at that! Most of the people are excited, but there are some who aren't too happy. Myself, I am ecstatic! I like change and I think that this is a positive step for our church.

So what does this have to do with me personally and this blog? Well I guess the bottom line and reason for this post is to show what a little patience, prayer, and faith can do. I firmly believe that this is God's will at work within our congregation. With these new changes that are happening I see a renewal in our church and hopefully the "well, that's the way it has always been" is replaced with "this is how it is now."
God Bless!

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