My Story (Cliff's Notes Style)

I have had this blog since 2011 and from its inception it has undergone a few changes. My primary goal with this blog is to be a source of inspiration and encouragement, but also a place to share about my faith. The one thing that I realized OK have never done is shared my faith least I don't think ;-) So here is my abridged, or Cliff's Notes style, story.

I was born and raised Catholic. I am the youngest seven children who spent 12 years in private Catholic school. I attended mass (church) regularly on Sunday's during my youth so I knew Jesus but not as the center of my life.

After graduating high school I went away to college and enjoyed that freedom that every kid dreams of having, of living the college life as depicted in many movies. Needless to say my faith took a back seat and church was attended only on holidays and breaks.

While at college a met a girl named Holly, who would later become my wife, and we started to date. On the weekends we would go home to her house and I was introduced to a new type of Church. The services were very different from that of the Catholic Mass. Aside from the way that the service was conducted the one thing that really stood out to me was how nobody left after the service ended! I know that as soon as the Priest said, "Mass is ended, go in peace to love and serve the Lord" it was Thanks be to God let's roll out! Needless to say I was intrigued.

Skipping ahead, Holly and I were married in 2002. We would attend her Church, which by the way is the First Church of the Brethren, fairly regularly on Sundays, but if we missed it was no big deal...that is it was no big deal until 2005.

My wife's family is very musically inclined, and very in tune with The Lord and the Church. Her uncle is pastor a pastor and in a singing group and his son is a youth pastor and was also in some singing group. Well at my wife's cousin's wedding he had a friend sing the song "In Christ Alone" and it was somewhere in that doing that Jesus spoke to me. I was almost in tears at the power of the words in this song. It was after that night that things changed for me. My wife bought me my very own bible and I dove right in. It was the first time in my life where I truly knew (getting to know) Jesus.

Shortly after I joined the Church and have since been continuing my journey in Christ. If I miss church nowadays my week is not the same, it feels as if something is missing. That is why I try my best not to ever miss. I try to be an example to my son and help him grow in Christ as well. I want him to see the importance of a relationship with Jesus. I try also to be an example to my wife and a strong leader and husband. I am not perfect but I try...(if she reads this I love and thank you for being my "bestest friend" and bringing me to your church, family, and ultimately to God.)

Today I have such a passion for the Lord and when I talk of my faith I am moved with emotion. Again I am not perfect, I definitely am not a saint, but I am a work-in-progress. I am here just to share my story, my faith, and my love for my Savior Jesus Christ with the world...


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