Happy New Year!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: 
The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

Here we are at the beginning of new year.  For many people the new year marks a time of change and a time of resolutions.  It is a chance to start fresh, put the past behind you and start anew.  While this sounds all well and good, most of the changes and resolutions people vow to make will only last for a few weeks and then back to the old way of things.  The question that I have is does it have to be that way?  I would have to say that no it does not.  The bible verse that I had quoted at the beginning of this entry sums it up.  I think that in this new year if we remain in Christ we can carry out all of the changes and resolutions that have been made so long as we do it in Him...


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