Springing forward!

Spring is right around the corner and tonight/tomorrow morning for those who live in the areas where there is daylight savings, we take that first step. While it is true that we will lose an hour of sleep, it is a fair trade off for the longer days!

Spring is one of my favorite seasons because everything begins to come alive again. Trees and flowers start to bloom, it gets warmer, stays lighter longer, what more could you ask for? I know that this winter wasn't too bad, but it was still winter. I do enjoy all of the seasons, and I am thankful for each one, but I would still prefer to live somewhere where it is 75-80 degrees all year-round.

Good night everyone, and remember to set those clocks ahead before your you go to bed to avoid the chance of oversleeping. God bless!


Image source: http://android.podnova.com/


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