30 Day Challenge...So close!

Good morning everyone!  Wow I can not believe that October is here already!  I guess it is time to wake up and enjoy the fresh start that comes with each new month.  My 30 day challenge is over, and I must say that while I did not hit my goal af averaging a post a day, I am quite pleased with ending the month of September with a total of 24 posts.  I was only 6 off of the mark and that isn't too shabby considering the poor performance of posting the previous months.  While the challenge is closed I still plan on continuing to try and make a post a day and so far I am off to a good start ;-)

The month of October is quite important to me as both my birthday and my wedding anniversary fall in this month.  October 2nd is my birthday, this year I turn the big 32, and October 19th is my wedding anniversary.  This year my wife Holly and I celebrate our 9-year Anniversary!  Where does time go?  I know through out the course of these nine years, we have had our share of ups and downs, but I could not be more happy and more in love with Holly.  I lift my praise and thanks up to God everyday for giving Holly to me.  Like I always say to her, and she thinks that I am just blowing smoke, we may not be rich but we are rich in love.  That may or may not be my quote, and when I see it written out it does look cheesy, but I mean every single word of that cheesiness!



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