Three day weekend!

Here we are, the last official weekend of summer. Where did the time go? A few years ago I would be really sad when the summer ended, but now I look forward to the fall. I've come to see the beauty in all of the seasons because they are all gifts from God. I would be lying if I said that winter was my least favorite, but I am not a big fan of shoveling! I'll admit it is nice living in an area where I do get to experience all of the seasons in their beauty, but just a small covering of snow here and there is fine by me. I can do with out inches and inches of snow!

The neat thing about the changes of the seasons is just that, change. It is almost like another oppurtunity throughout the year to get a fresh start on things. One of the things that I really want to work on this is quitting smoking. This is probably my biggest demon in life and I really need to kick it to the curb for good. Aside from doing it for myself and my health, most importantly I need to do this for my family. I want to be around for the long haul for my wife and my son. Last year, November 8th to be exact, I had a nice month and a half run of being smoke free but then we moved and wih the move came a lot of stress. I know that is not an excuse, but when you have been smoking for about 18 years it is tough. I pray daily that the Lord gives me the strength to get through this. I think that was the problem in the past however, I relied too much on myself to quit instead of asking Jesus to help me. I know that I can not do this myself...


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