Ok, so I am really slacking!

I am really beginning to fall behind on my 30 Day Challenge! Ok so I am not that far behind, but my consistency is definitely falling off. If I am figuring this out correctly, I am still only one post off from hitting the 30 mark by month end. I really need to make sure that I make another post later on tonight.

Yesterday was bit of an off day for the whole family. We had so many things that we were supposed to do yesterday, but we completely forgot about them. My wife and I had an argument yesterday early on in the morning which really set the tone for the whole day. The argument was, of course, over our finances. Not out how we are currently spending but rather our spending from the past. We both made some poor choices early on in our marriage but my wife still likes to beat herself up about it whereas I take the role of a forward thinker and not dwell on the past. It is no lie that money is the root of all evil, even when you do not have any! There was also mor to arguments than just money, but I hope hat after our talk last night we have come to a reconcilliation. We will see today. It is Sunday and once again time for a fresh start!

Speaking of Sunday, today marks the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. My prayers today go out to not only all of the victims and their fammilies, but to everyone that was impacted in some way, shape, or form on this day ten years ago. It is truly a great day for reflection and rememberance. Sadly enough, however, it seems that there have been reports of threats and of new plots against the US coinciding with the ten year anniversary. I hope and pray that they are only threats and that everyone remains safe today.

It is that time now. Time for me to wrap it up. I have to go throw some laundry in and get ready for Sunday School and Church. I hope tyat today my wife and I can have a better day and that I may be a better husband for her today in terms of listening and support than I was yesterday. May the Lord give me the right words to speak when it is time to speak and may He silence me when it is time to listen. GOD BLESS!


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