I Can Only Imagine...

Good Morning Everyone!  I am just waking up and I had an idea of something I would like to try and do here on my blog.  I will take a song that has me inspired at the moment and post the song, or if there is a video, post the video for it.  I am not sure how frequently this will occur, but I will try to keep up with this little feature.  I know what you are thinking, you are all thinking that I am just trying to up my post count.  That is partially right, but I would also like to share songs that have a strong, powerful, and positive message to me and hope that others may enjoy them as well.

The first song that I have is MercyMe's "I Can Only Imagine" from their 2001 release Almost There.  What an awesome day it will truly be when we can finally be face to face with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...GOD BLESS!

"Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still
Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing HALLELUJAH, will I be able to speak at all


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