
Showing posts from September, 2011

Courageous: In Theaters TODAY!

Good morning everyone.  Just a quick reminder that the motion picture Courageous is in theaters NOW! My birthday is on Sunday, so hopefully at some point this weekend I get a chance to see this.   GOD BLESS!

I Am New...

Good evening everyone.  Well, I don't quite think that I am going to make 30 posts in the 30 days but hey...I tried.  What I do have for you this evening is another song that is very inspirational.  Today's song is  Jason Gray's  "I Am New."  The song is right in-line with what I am and have been feeling/experiencing this past month.  I hope you enjoy this song and the video as much as I do and it has an equally powerful message for you too.  Enjoy, and GOD BLESS! "I am not who I was I am being remade I am new I am chosen and holy And I'm dearly loved I am new"

3 days and 9 posts

Good morning everyone. If you are a bit confysed by the title of my post then it is clear that you have not been paying attention for the past month. To finish out my 30 day challenge completely I will need to make three posts a day for the next three days to have made thirty postings this month. After this little gem here I only nned two more for today. I really need to buckle down and get this done! I know that a deviated a little bit from what I had initially stated in my post "My 30 Day Challenge" , but hey...I never claimed to be perfect! I have to wrap it up here. Time to go get ready for work. Please excuse any spelling errors as I am typing this on an iPad. Stop on back later for one, possibly two new posts :) GOD BLESS!

21 Days!

Good morning everyone. I just wanted to do do this extremely uick and mobile post to let everyone know that I have been smoke-free for 21 days 4 hours and 20 minutes. According to my support site QuitNet , over the course of the 21 days that I have been quit in total I have not smoked 530 cigarettes and have saved almost $125! I am just so excited and thankful to The Lord because I really feel that this time is different and I owe it all to the fact that I have placed this quit attempt in the hands of Jesus . I finally realied that I was going to ge nowhere if I relied on myself and myself contol to quit... GOD BLESS!

I must remember...

Good Morning Everyone! It is so easy to get up on the wrong side of the bed on Monday mornings. No one likes to see the weekend come to an end. It makes for an exceptionally greater challenge when you are not really enjoying your job anymore either. Today I am going to make a conscious effort to remember and reflect on the post that author Brooke made over at Faith Blogs reminding us that "whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not human masters." ( Colossians 3:23 ) GOD BLESS!


Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday!  I just wanted to post up a few quick updates before I start getting ready for church.  Yesterday I made a post talking about how I wanted to have a different name for this blog.  So after some careful consideration no longer is this The Cornucopia of Goodness  but welcome to The Lighted Path.   I figured that since this blog is more or less focused on my continuing faith journey and my constantly developing relationship with God, that  Psalm 119:105  pretty much hit the nail on the head.  "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." I also updated the background to my blog.  Hopefully this freshens things up a bit.   GOD BLESS!

I need a new name... not my actual name, but a name, or title, or whatever it is called for my blog.  I googled "The Cornucopia of Goodness" and while I know that I do not post as much as I should and didn't expect to see my blog at the tops of the list, I was surprised to see a few other blogger blogs, not titled but containing, with cornucopia of goodness.  Most of them being food related.  I admit I do like food, maybe more than I should, but that is far from what I had in mind when I created this blog back in May.  I actually gave it the name because the initial focus of this blog was a little bit of everything that I like.  As you can tell, and as God and time changes people, the main focus now if on my faith and faith journey so I need to come up with a title a little more fitting... any suggestions???   GOD BLESS!

Another Challenge...

I do not know if I had mentioned previously that I was in the process of reading through the Bible in 90 days, but I have just completed day 30!  I would have to agree with the author of the blog  Giving it all up  who also is nearing the completion of a month into her Bible in a Year plan and said, "it seems that I have been reading for a lot longer than that!"   I feel the same way, but at the same time I realize what I have been missing out on.  When I first started the plan I feel behind a few days, and once I got back on track I made it a point to keep on it daily.  Reading my daily passages has become a staple for my mornings.  It is how I kick off each work day and on the weekends it is the first thing I do in the morning.  I think that if I were to even fall behind by one day, that I would feel off for that day.  I truly believe that this is why (and prayer too) my quitting smoking attempt has been so successful this time (18 days)! ...

I Can Only Imagine...

Good Morning Everyone!  I am just waking up and I had an idea of something I would like to try and do here on my blog.  I will take a song that has me inspired at the moment and post the song, or if there is a video, post the video for it.  I am not sure how frequently this will occur, but I will try to keep up with this little feature.  I know what you are thinking, you are all thinking that I am just trying to up my post count.  That is partially right, but I would also like to share songs that have a strong, powerful, and positive message to me and hope that others may enjoy them as well. The first song that I have is  MercyMe's  "I Can Only Imagine" from their 2001 release  Almost There .  What an awesome day it will truly be when we can finally be face to face with our Lord and Savior,  Jesus Christ...GOD BLESS! "Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still Wi...


I knew that I was behind, but I did not realize that I was 9 days behind on my 30 day challenge!  I mean this cheap little short post will make it seem like 8 days (15 posts for September) but I have completely let it slide.  I need to make a substantial post tonight.  I have had a lot of thoughts, it is just that when I get around to it I am either tired and it is bedtime or I forget what it was I wanted to write about.  I need to start carrying a notepad!   GOD BLESS!

I have really fallen behind!

Goid evening everyone! This is a quick mobile post to let you know that although I have fallen behind by quite some days in my 30 day challenge, I have not abandoned my blog completely. Not that I have been too busy to post, I have just been turning in with my wife earlier and having some us time. I also think that the quitting smoking also has played a part as well. Today is 14 days since I have been quit. I really am doing well and I know that this time is different because I am have been praying alot more and left it in God's hands not in my own. Well I am wrapping this up now because my thumbs hurt from typing! I will try to be back later with another post. Until then, GOD BLESS!

Whatever You're Doing...

Over the past few weeks it is hard to explain what has been happening within me. I know that this year so far has been rough on my family in terms of our financial situation.  All of our student loans have come in, a good portion of which are still in forbearance credit card debt, down a car, and the list goes on and on and on.  At first I was fearful of what was coming to come of this, how we would make it, really just at a complete loss.  A few months ago after seeing sign after sign I realized what the problem was, and it was that I was lacking my trust in God the Father and the promises of His Son Jesus that there was no need to worry. 31  So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.   33  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.   3...


Good evening everyone!  I know, I know, I am two days (posts) behind on my 30 day challenge, but give a fellow a break!  This is going to be just a short post, as I am about to head out to a church picnic.  I just wanted to write and say that I am really looking forward to seeing the movie  Courageous  when it comes out in theaters on September 30th.  Courageous is from the makers of the movie  Fireproof .  If you have not seen the movie  Fireproof  I highly recommend that you go and watch it.  It is such an inspirational film with such a powerful message behind it.   I am not a film critic, and I am not much for giving reviews/synopsis' on films, so I won't do so for  Courageous . What I can do is provide you with the trailer :)  Enjoy, and I will be back later.   GOD BLESS!!!

One Week Down!

I know, I know...I have fallen behind on my 30 Day challenge. I am not too far behind so hopefully I can catch it up soon. I am past the point of feeling that I have let myself down. This month is the first month that I have had so many consecutive posts since I started this blog that I am quite pleased with myself actually. Just keep on bearing with me. Everyday I am trying to think of ways to makenhis blog a little bit better, a little less...blah. Don't get me wrong everything that I right is meaningful and true, but I need to incorporate more photos, videos, and even fonts. Again I say, just bear with me! If you happen to be reading this post an are trying to figure out what the title means, you are about to find out. When I say "One Week Down" I am just referring to my progress with becoming smoke-free. It has been one week since my last cigarette, and I am feeling really great! I can honestly tell you all that this time feels so much different. I know that the big...

Ok, so I am really slacking!

I am really beginning to fall behind on my 30 Day Challenge! Ok so I am not that far behind, but my consistency is definitely falling off. If I am figuring this out correctly, I am still only one post off from hitting the 30 mark by month end. I really need to make sure that I make another post later on tonight. Yesterday was bit of an off day for the whole family. We had so many things that we were supposed to do yesterday, but we completely forgot about them. My wife and I had an argument yesterday early on in the morning which really set the tone for the whole day. The argument was, of course, over our finances. Not out how we are currently spending but rather our spending from the past. We both made some poor choices early on in our marriage but my wife still likes to beat herself up about it whereas I take the role of a forward thinker and not dwell on the past. It is no lie that money is the root of all evil, even when you do not have any! There was also mor to arguments than...

Hooray for the weekend!

I am back and back on-track for my 30-Day Challenge.  Sure I missed two days, but after this post, I will be right on schedule.  I am well aware that it does not matter how many posts that I make, but it will be nice to see a total of 30 for the month of September.  I am not sure if I will see any additional traffic or gain any followers for this, but only time will tell. Today in my neck of the words we had a surprise return appearance by Mr. Sun!  After days of rain, rain, and even more rain I actually had the chance to...ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddsnenfefeff... Okay, it is 4:14am and if you look at that last line you will see what I just woke up to, only that is a small portion there was actually like 10 pages worth of that.  It is too funny not to leave in.  I actually fell asleep right in the middle of typing this blog.  Needless to say I am not back on track but still one behind!  I didn't even realize I was that tired!!!  ...

Oops...I Did It Again!

I just woke up about an hour ago and realized that I did not make a post yesterday.  I am not quite sure why but I was really tired.  I think that I fell asleep at about 6:30pm and slept until about 3:00am.  Now it is time to get ready for work, but at least it is Friday! I am still smoke-free, and the patch is working out great.  I am really hopeful that this is the last time and will finally kick the habit.  I feel really good, my chest doesn't seem tight every morning.  I couldn't be better.  The only downside is that I think I am getting a cold.  This is pretty normal for me when I try to quit though, and that may explain why I was wiped out yesterday. I hate to cut this short, and I guess this kind of goes against what I set out for in my 30 Day Challenge, but it is a post and you better believe there will be a better post later.  It may not come out to a post for each day in September, but there will be at least 30 by month end. ...'s official

My car is ready for the scrap yard.  I dropped the title off to the garage, and I just got back from pulling out my cd player and the remaining items from the car.  It kind of makes me sad that this was the only thing that my wife and I really own.  We finished paying it off back in 2007, but it is time to say goodbye.  My wife was the one who bought it back in 2001, but I have been driving it since 2008 and I am going to miss the old girl.  I am sure this all happened for a reason, and I know that God has a plan for me in all of this, I just have to listen and follow my heart in whichever direction He leads me.  It is time to move on. I think that this is actually going to turn out to be a good thing.  I know I still haven't the slightest idea about where a new car or the money for a new car will be coming from, but it is alright.  I have nothing to worry about.  I am actually going to look at this as just another symbol of the changes tha...

Day One A Success!

Okay so this may not be the most flattering picture but it is a picture of the first step in a long journey of smoking cessation!  I think that my prayer was answered last night and I was given the strength to put on the patch, and as I write this it is just a little bit under one full day.  I know that in the grand scheme of things 24 hours is not much, but after a summer full of failed attempts (lasting only mere hours) I have had my first taste of success.  I am excited and looking forward to being smoke free tomorrow too.  The only problem I see is when I run out of the five patches that I have now.  Money is tight now so I am not sure where I will be coming up with it but I am sure the Lord will show me a way.  I am just feeling really good about it this time.  Please continue to pray for me! Speaking  of prayer and praying, I have been doing a lot of this recently.  I have been reading my Bible daily and just really loving and appre...

Goodbye Summer!

Like Memorial Day is considered the official beginning to the Summer, Labor Day marks the official closing of the Summer season.  Our local school district began the new school year last Monday, but those others that did not begin last week will be starting up this week.  I had stated previously that in the past I would be a little sad when then Summer ended, but the past couple of years have been different.  I don't know if it is because I did not get to go to the beach at all this year again, but that is probably the saddest part.  Next Summer I am hoping to at least get to the beach a few times with our son, but we shall see.  Prayerfully our financial situation improves by then...just a smidge! Tomorrow marks the big day for me and finally going back on the patch.  I know that earlier this past weekend my intentions were to have it on today but well...not so much success.  It has to be tomorrow, because I have made too many promises to my wife an...

The start of a new week

Well so much for my 30 Day Challenge. I did not make a post yesterday so I was unable to even make it for three consecutive days. It's alright though, because I made two posts on the first day so if I continue on I will still end up with 30 posts for the month of September. I had every intention of making a post last night but I fell asleep early. That is why I am doing this post first thing this morning. I am not giving up on this challenge! Today is the beginning of the new week, and let me tell you, I am praying for it to be a much better week than last. In my post on Friday night I had said that I was trying to quit smoking. I only have a few more left and then hopefully the Lord gives me the strength to be done with it. I think that now is as good a time as any to try because there is no work tomorrow. If I can begin tomorrow smoke-free and have a day under my belt before returning to work it should be easier on Tuesday. Work is probably my biggest trigger and since I can no...

Three day weekend!

Here we are, the last official weekend of summer. Where did the time go? A few years ago I would be really sad when the summer ended, but now I look forward to the fall. I've come to see the beauty in all of the seasons because they are all gifts from God. I would be lying if I said that winter was my least favorite, but I am not a big fan of shoveling! I'll admit it is nice living in an area where I do get to experience all of the seasons in their beauty, but just a small covering of snow here and there is fine by me. I can do with out inches and inches of snow! The neat thing about the changes of the seasons is just that, change. It is almost like another oppurtunity throughout the year to get a fresh start on things. One of the things that I really want to work on this is quitting smoking. This is probably my biggest demon in life and I really need to kick it to the curb for good. Aside from doing it for myself and my health, most importantly I need to do this for my famil...

I will praise YOU in this storm

Earlier this week I had made a post about my car and how the repairs were going to be quite expensive.  The night after I got my first estimate my neighbor called a buddy of his who works at a local garage.  The mechanic said that $2500 dollars was too much and that all of the work could be done for, at most, $1000.  I was pretty excited at that thought so yesterday I made the appointment and drove my broken car to the next garage.  To be honest I didn't think I was going to make it but I did. Today I received a call from the mechanic, which I wasn't expecting since they said my appointment was Tuesday, and he had some bad news for me.  The check engine light in my car had been on but I thought that was only because of the exhaust.  Turns out I was wrong.  This place actually ran the diagnostics on the car and they said that it had many errors it was throwing off but the biggest ones all had to do with the transmission.  His exact words to me we...

My 30 Day Challenge

I always see people doing these challenges every month so this month I decided to do my own. My challenge for the next 30 days is going to make at least one daily posting to this here blog. I know this doesn't seem like a very challenging challenge but for me it is. Now I am not talking about some lame old post, but I plan on making at least one solid post that has been well thought out and reflects my feelings for the day. Posts like "Good Morning Blogger...How are you?" will not do and are very unacceptable. My thought process behind this is the hopes that traffic increases and maybe I can finally get some followers! Will this work? We shall see at the end of the month! So long for now...God Bless.