Seriously, what is wrong with people?

I was just surfing around and I found this little gem: Lohan sues rapper Pitbull for using her name.  Now, I am not one to judge someone, but really Lindsay Lohan...really?  I am actually kind of nervous that I might get sued.  This definitely signifies that her career has truly hit the bottom.  I am not a Hollywood expert, nor do I claim to be, but apparently the drugs, jail time, and all of the poor choices that she has made hurt her credibility as an actress leaving her hurting for money (which I highly doubt, see me about "hurting" for money).  The lyric in question is, "I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan." Wow, I have heard other artists talk much worse about other celebrities/artists [Eminem] and no one has ever sued. This can only mean one thing, she needs the money! There is one quote in particular that had me chuckling a bit, "The problem is they used her name without compensation in the song, and confused the public about whether or not or not she was a collaborator."  Right,,,I did see in the news how that lyric caused such widespread panic and confusion that even after hearing the song a million times, people still could not determine when she was going to be singing her verse.  Please, you are an actress, not a musician.  I know that in today's world if you have a TV show or if you are in the public eye that automatically makes you a musician, but you are not!

Honestly it just makes me sad that people who may be hurting for some money or jobs have to become so happy.  LIGHTEN UP!!!  Do not use others as scapegoats and blame them for your problems Ms. Lohan.  Pitbull and the E*Trade commercials are not the ones who tarnished you name.  It was you and your actions. I am not trying to judge or condemn Lindsay at all, I just do not like seeing people being accountable for their own actions and trying to blame some one else.  If you do not want your name to be in people's mouths, and you can not deal with an occasional jab here or there, then maybe you need a new career.


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