That kinda hurts...
For the past several months, my car has not been doing so good. It started back in March when my car would occassionally lurch when I was driving. When this would happen the check engine light would come on and I would lose pickup. If I turned the car off at a light the check engine light would go off and things would be normal until it happened again. Shortly after that my car became extremely loud and all my co-workers would say it was the exhaust. They were right. The one tube was hanging by a thread and pretty much no exhaust was being pushed out the back. At this point as well the check engine light remained on permanently. A few weeks ago a loud noise started to come from my rignt wheel. It probably wasn't safe to be driving it, but I had to do what I had to do to get to work. The bad part is that my commute totals sixty miles a day. Of course things got worse. The wheel got so loud that I had to use my wife's car. Last Thursday evening, I dropped the car off and by...