Happy 2016!

Well here we are again, the beginning of a new year. It seems like I was just sitting here composing the first blog of 2015. I had such high hopes and goals for this blog and swore to keep on top of it. Judging by the whopping two posts that I made last year, I failed...miserably. This morning while surfing around Facebook my feed was filled with new year's wishes a-plenty. Inspirational, witty, funny, sassy, you name it there was a post. A couple of my favorites: (Thanks Some eCards !) For many the beginning of the new year signals a time of fresh starts, changes, and resolutions. Most of the time these changes and resolutions are usually out the window by the second week, and I am no exception. As funny as these are, there can be some wisdom found in them. While may not hit our goal weight or kick that addiction or even keep up on our blogs (seriously only two posts), one thing that is certain and unchangeable is God's grac...